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Creating an example notebook¤


To create a new example notebook and include it in the documentation, follow the steps:

  1. Create a jupyter notebook, preferably in docs/examples_*/ and fill it with content. In case you are wondering which subfolder is most appropriate: if your notebook introduces an external dependency (for example, an optimisation or sampling library), do not place it next to the solver-configuration notebooks.
  2. Pair the notebook with a py:light version of the notebook via jupytext. This is important for version control, which ignores all examples with *.ipynb or *.md ending.
  3. Include the notebook into the docs by mentioning it in the nav section of mkdocs.yml
  4. Enjoy.


  1. Create a new folder in the docs/benchmarks/ directory
  2. Create the benchmark script. Usually, the execution is in a python script and the plotting in a jupyter notebook.
  3. Link the (plotting-)notebook to a markdown file (for better version control).
  4. Include the (plotting-)notebook into the docs via mkdocs.yml. Mention the markdown and python script in the same folder under mkdocs.yml -> exclude
  5. Mention the new benchmark in the makefile (benchmarks-run, benchmarks-dry-run). A dry-run is for checking that the code functions properly. The benchmark run itself should not take less than a minute, otherwise the whole benchmark suite grows out of hand.