Nicholas (Nico) Krämer
I am a
machine learning researcher based in Copenhagen.
I do research at the interface of
numerical methods and machine learning,
including topics such as probabilistic numerics, differentiable programming, state-space models, or linear-algebra applications in Bayesian deep learning
(Google Scholar).
I write a bunch of code, mainly in Python/JAX
(Github: @pnkraemer).
I am currently a postdoc in
Søren Hauberg's group at DTU.
Before that, I did probabilistic numerics in
Philipp Hennig's group in Tübingen,
and scattered data approximation with Christian Rieger in Bonn.
I studied Mathematics and Business Mathematics in Bonn and Mannheim.
I am a member of the
ELLIS Society
and an affiliated researcher at the
Pioneer Centre for AI (P1).
If you need a three-sentence biography, e.g. for announcing a talk,
[click here].
I go by "Nico",
but use "Nicholas" when writing papers.
Online, I tend to be
(and "pn" stands for "Peter Nicholas", not for "probabilstic numerics").
Find my papers on Google Scholar and my code on GitHub.
Talk to me in English or German. I would love to hear from you.
Google Scholar:
click here
link here
pekra (at) dtu (dot) dk
March 2024:
Our preprint on "Numerically robust Gaussian state estimation with singular observation noise" is on arXiv now!
Here is a link.
January 2025:
My paper on "Numerically robust fixed-point smoothing without state augmentation" has been now been published by TMLR!
is a link to the PDF on OpenReview.
is a link to the code on GitHub.
January 2025:
My paper on "Numerically robust fixed-point smoothing without state augmentation" has been accepted by TMLR! A link to the published paper will follow soon.
December 2024:
I am speaking at the
D3S3: Data-driven and Differentiable Simulations, Surrogates, and Solvers
Workshop at Neurips 2024.
November 2024:
I will be again talking about adaptive ODE solvers, this time in Oxford.
November 2024:
I will be talking about adaptive ODE solvers at the Computer Lab in Cambridge. Here is a link to the announcement.
November 2024:
I will be visiting our CUQI-neighbours at DTU Compute to give a talk as a part of their seminar series.
October 2024:
Our paper on "Gradients of functions of large matrices" has been accepted as a spotlight at Neurips. Looking forward to presenting this in Vancouver!
Here is a link to the arXiv version.
October 2024:
My preprint on "Adaptive probabilistic ODE solvers without adaptive memory requirements" entered arXiv.
Here is a link.
October 2024:
My preprint on "Numerically robust fixed-point smoothing without state augmentation" entered arXiv.
Here is a link.
September 2024:
My preprint on "A tutorial on automatic differentiation with complex numbers" entered arXiv.
Here is a link.
September 2024:
If you're at GenU in Copenhagen (September 18-19), come and say hi! I'll bring a poster on computing gradients of functions of large matrices.
Here is a link to the preprint.
July 2024:
I am giving a talk on the "Probabilistic numerical method of lines", this time at
ProbNum24 in London
on July 15.
June 2024:
I am giving a talk on the "Probabilistic numerical method of lines" at the
Probabilistic Numerics and Physics-informed Learning
workshop in Helsinki on June 28, which is a part of the
ELISE Wrap Up Conference & ELLIS Community Event
June 2024:
I am giving a talk on "Gradients of functions of large matrices" at the Pioneer centre in Copenhagen on June 7.
May 2024:
Our preprint on "Gradients of functions of large matrices" entered arXiv.
Here is a link.
May 2024:
I reactivate this News section because I have not been using Twitter/X much recently.