Nicholas (Nico) Krämer

I am a machine learning researcher based in Copenhagen. I do research at the interface of numerical methods and machine learning, including topics such as probabilistic numerics, differentiable programming, state-space models, or linear-algebra applications in Bayesian deep learning (Google Scholar). I write a bunch of code, mainly in Python/JAX (Github: @pnkraemer).

I am currently a postdoc in Søren Hauberg's group at DTU. Before that, I did probabilistic numerics in Philipp Hennig's group in Tübingen, and scattered data approximation with Christian Rieger in Bonn. I studied Mathematics and Business Mathematics in Bonn and Mannheim. I am a member of the ELLIS Society. If you need a three-sentence biography, e.g. for announcing a talk, click here.

I go by "Nico", but use "Nicholas" when writing papers. Online, I tend to be @pnkraemer (and "pn" stands for "Peter Nicholas", not for "probabilstic numerics"). Find my papers on Google Scholar and my code on GitHub. Talk to me in English or German. I would love to hear from you.


Google Scholar: click here
GitHub: @pnkraemer
X: @pnkraemer
Email: pekra (at) dtu (dot) dk
