Carry out stochastic trace estimation with minimal memory¶
Matfree's implementation of stochastic trace estimation via Hutchinson's method defaults to computing all Monte-Carlo samples at once, because this is the fastest implementation as long as all samples fit into memory.
Some matrix-vector products, however, are so large that we can only store a single sample in memory at once. Here is how we can wrap calls around the trace estimators in such a scenario to save memory.
import functools
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from matfree import stochtrace
Stochastic trace estimation¶
The conventional setup for estimating the trace of a large matrix would look like this.
nrows = 100 # but imagine nrows=100,000,000,000 instead
nsamples = 1_000
def large_matvec(v):
"""Evaluate a (dummy for a) large matrix-vector product."""
return 1.2345 * v
integrand = stochtrace.integrand_trace()
x0 = jnp.ones((nrows,))
sampler = stochtrace.sampler_rademacher(x0, num=nsamples)
estimate = stochtrace.estimator(integrand, sampler)
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(1)
trace = estimate(large_matvec, key)
The above code requires nrows $\times$ nsamples storage, which is prohibitive for extremely large matrices. Instead, we can loop around estimate() to do the following: The below code requires nrows $\times$ 1 storage:
sampler = stochtrace.sampler_rademacher(x0, num=1)
estimate = stochtrace.estimator(integrand, sampler)
estimate = functools.partial(estimate, large_matvec)
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(2)
keys = jax.random.split(key, num=nsamples)
traces =, keys)
trace = jnp.mean(traces)
In practice, we often combine both approaches by choosing the largest nsamples (in the first implementation) so that nrows $\times$ nsamples fits into memory, and handle all samples beyond that via the split-and-map combination.
If we reverse-mode differentiate through the sampler, we have to be careful because by default, reverse-mode differentiation stores all intermediate results (and the memory-efficiency of using is void). To solve this problem, place a jax.checkpoint around the estimator:
traces =, keys)
trace = jnp.mean(traces)
This implementation recomputes the forward pass for each key during the backward pass, but preserves the memory-efficiency on the backward pass.
In summary, memory efficiency can be achieved by calling estimators inside (with or without checkpoints).