Implement vector calculus in linear complexity¶
Implementing vector calculus with conventional algorithmic differentiation can be inefficient. For example, computing the divergence of a vector field requires computing the trace of a Jacobian. The divergence of a vector field is important when evaluating Laplacians of scalar functions.
Here is how we can implement divergences and Laplacians without forming full Jacobian matrices:
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from matfree import stochtrace
Divergences and Laplacians¶
The divergence of a vector field is the trace of its Jacobian. The conventional implementation would look like this:
def divergence_dense(vf):
"""Compute the divergence of a vector field."""
def div_fn(x):
J = jax.jacfwd(vf)
return jnp.trace(J(x))
return div_fn
This implementation computes the divergence of a vector field:
def fun(x):
"""Evaluate a scalar valued function."""
return, x) ** 2
x0 = jnp.arange(1.0, 4.0)
gradient = jax.grad(fun)
laplacian = divergence_dense(gradient)
[[ 64. 16. 24.] [ 16. 88. 48.] [ 24. 48. 128.]] 280.0
But the implementation above requires $O(d^2)$ storage because it evaluates the dense Jacobian. This is problematic for high-dimensional problems.
Matrix-free implementation¶
If we have access to Jacobian-vector products (which we usually do), we can use matrix-free trace estimation to approximate divergences and Laplacians without forming full Jacobians:
def divergence_matfree(vf, /, *, num):
"""Compute the divergence with Hutchinson's estimator."""
def divergence(k, x):
_fx, jvp = jax.linearize(vf, x)
integrand_laplacian = stochtrace.integrand_trace()
normal = stochtrace.sampler_normal(x, num=num)
estimator = stochtrace.estimator(integrand_laplacian, sampler=normal)
return estimator(jvp, k)
return divergence
- The difference to the "naive" implementation is that the implicit one does not form dense Jacobians. It requires $O(d)$ memory and $O(d N)$ operations (for $N$ Monte-Carlo samples). For large-scale problems, it may be the only way of computing Laplacians reliably.
laplacian_matfree = divergence_matfree(gradient, num=10_000)
print(laplacian_matfree(jax.random.PRNGKey(1), x0))
In summary, compute matrix-free linear algebra and algorithmic differentiation to implement vector calculus.
Diagonals of Jacobians¶
If we replace trace estimation with diagonal estimation, we can compute the diagonal of Jacobian matrices in $O(d)$ memory and $O(dN)$ operations.