Estimate log-determinants of PyTree-valued functions¶
Can we compute log-determinants if the matrix-vector products are pytree-valued? Yes, we can. Matfree natively supports PyTrees.
In [1]:
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
In [2]:
from matfree import decomp, funm, stochtrace
from matfree import decomp, funm, stochtrace
Create a test-problem: a function that maps a pytree (dict) to a pytree (tuple). Its (regularised) Gauss--Newton Hessian shall be the matrix-vector product whose log-determinant we estimate.
In [3]:
def testfunc(x):
"""Map a dictionary to a tuple with some arbitrary values."""
return jnp.linalg.norm(x["weights"]), x["bias"]
def testfunc(x):
"""Map a dictionary to a tuple with some arbitrary values."""
return jnp.linalg.norm(x["weights"]), x["bias"]
Create a test-input
In [4]:
b = jnp.arange(1.0, 40.0)
W = jnp.stack([b + 1.0, b + 2.0])
x0 = {"weights": W, "bias": b}
b = jnp.arange(1.0, 40.0)
W = jnp.stack([b + 1.0, b + 2.0])
x0 = {"weights": W, "bias": b}
Linearise the functions
In [5]:
f0, jvp = jax.linearize(testfunc, x0)
_f0, vjp = jax.vjp(testfunc, x0)
print(, f0))
print(, jvp(x0)))
print(, vjp(f0)))
f0, jvp = jax.linearize(testfunc, x0)
_f0, vjp = jax.vjp(testfunc, x0)
print(, f0))
print(, jvp(x0)))
print(, vjp(f0)))
((), (39,)) ((), (39,)) ({'bias': (39,), 'weights': (2, 39)},)
Use the same API as if the matrix-vector product were array-valued. Matfree flattens all trees internally.
In [6]:
def make_matvec(alpha):
"""Create a matrix-vector product function."""
def fun(fx, /):
r"""Matrix-vector product with $J J^\top + \alpha I$."""
vjp_eval = vjp(fx)
matvec_eval = jvp(*vjp_eval)
return x, y: x + alpha * y, matvec_eval, fx)
return fun
def make_matvec(alpha):
"""Create a matrix-vector product function."""
def fun(fx, /):
r"""Matrix-vector product with $J J^\top + \alpha I$."""
vjp_eval = vjp(fx)
matvec_eval = jvp(*vjp_eval)
return x, y: x + alpha * y, matvec_eval, fx)
return fun
In [7]:
matvec = make_matvec(alpha=0.1)
num_matvecs = 3
tridiag_sym = decomp.tridiag_sym(num_matvecs)
integrand = funm.integrand_funm_sym_logdet(tridiag_sym)
sample_fun = stochtrace.sampler_normal(f0, num=10)
estimator = stochtrace.estimator(integrand, sampler=sample_fun)
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(1)
logdet = estimator(matvec, key)
matvec = make_matvec(alpha=0.1)
num_matvecs = 3
tridiag_sym = decomp.tridiag_sym(num_matvecs)
integrand = funm.integrand_funm_sym_logdet(tridiag_sym)
sample_fun = stochtrace.sampler_normal(f0, num=10)
estimator = stochtrace.estimator(integrand, sampler=sample_fun)
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(1)
logdet = estimator(matvec, key)
For reference: flatten all arguments and compute the dense log-determinant:
In [8]:
f0_flat, unravel_func_f = jax.flatten_util.ravel_pytree(f0)
f0_flat, unravel_func_f = jax.flatten_util.ravel_pytree(f0)
In [9]:
def make_matvec_flat(alpha):
"""Create a flattened matrix-vector-product function."""
def fun(f_flat):
"""Evaluate a flattened matrix-vector product."""
f_unravelled = unravel_func_f(f_flat)
vjp_eval = vjp(f_unravelled)
matvec_eval = jvp(*vjp_eval)
f_eval, _unravel_func = jax.flatten_util.ravel_pytree(matvec_eval)
return f_eval + alpha * f_flat
return fun
def make_matvec_flat(alpha):
"""Create a flattened matrix-vector-product function."""
def fun(f_flat):
"""Evaluate a flattened matrix-vector product."""
f_unravelled = unravel_func_f(f_flat)
vjp_eval = vjp(f_unravelled)
matvec_eval = jvp(*vjp_eval)
f_eval, _unravel_func = jax.flatten_util.ravel_pytree(matvec_eval)
return f_eval + alpha * f_flat
return fun
In [10]:
matvec_flat = make_matvec_flat(alpha=0.1)
M = jax.jacfwd(matvec_flat)(f0_flat)
matvec_flat = make_matvec_flat(alpha=0.1)
M = jax.jacfwd(matvec_flat)(f0_flat)
SlogdetResult(sign=Array(1., dtype=float32), logabsdet=Array(3.812408, dtype=float32))