Contribute to Matfree
Contributions are welcome!
Most contributions start with an issue. Please don't hesitate to create issues in which you ask for features, give performance feedback, or simply want to reach out.
Pull requests:
To make a pull request, proceed as follows:
- Fork the repository.
- Install all dependencies with
pip install .[full]
orpip install -e .[full]
. - Make your changes.
- From the project's root, run the tests via
make test
. Check outmake format-and-lint
as well. Use the pre-commit hook if you like. - Then, make the pull request. Choose an informative title (have a look at previous PRs if you need inspiration), link all related issues, describe the change, and pick a label (e.g. "documentation", or "enhancement"). The label is important because the release notes group the pull requests by label.
When making a pull request, keep in mind the following (rough) guidelines:
- Most PRs resolve an issue.
- Most PRs contain a single commit. Here is how we can write better commit messages.
- Most enhancements (e.g. new features) are covered by tests.
Here is what GitHub considers important for informative pull requests.